InDex Lab


851 S. Morgan St., 11th Floor SEO, Room 1131, Chicago, IL 60607
☏: (312) 413-8028 ✉: asudeh[AT]uic[DOT]edu

A. Asudeh is an assistant professor of Computer Science at the University of Illinois Chicago and the director of Innovative Data Exploration Laboratory (InDeX Lab). He serves as an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE) and is a regular PC member of Data Management flagship venues. He is a VLDB Ambassador, the VLDB Endowment's Liaison to NSF, and a senior member of ACM and IEEE.
His research encompasses various aspects of Data Science, including Data Management, Information Retrieval, and Data Mining. He develops efficient, accurate, and scalable solutions by leveraging Approximation and Randomized Algorithms, and Computational Geometry.
Algorithmic Fairness and Data-centric Responsible AI are his major focus in research. His research interests also include Ranking algorithms and indices, LLMs and Foundation Models, Social Networks, Machine Learning, and Misinformation Detection.
His research has received awards and recognitions, including the Google Research Scholar award, the Communications of the ACM's Research Highlight, “Best of VLDB” -- the special issue of VLDBJ, SIGMOD 2019 Research Highlight Award, and SIGMOD 2017 Reproducibility Award.

Prospective Students
Every year, I look for a small number of motivated, smart, and hard-working PhD students. In particular, I look for students with a strong background in Algorthims who are interested in finding algorithmic solutions for data problems and AI (recently LLMs and Foundation Models have enabled an exceptional phenomenon for such research). You also need to have outstanding programming skills. If you are interested, check our lab page and our recent publications. If interested and qualified, please apply here and mention my name in your application.
Due to the large number of emails, I may not be able to respond to them all. If you email me, please use ``Prospective PhD Student'' as the subject and attach your CV and transcripts. Describe your skills, interests, research experience, and how those may fit InDeX Lab.

Recent (2024) Publications (see publications for the complete list)

  • NSF IIS-2348919 (2024 - 2027): III: Small: Fairness-aware Data Structures for Approximate Query Processing. Abolfazl Asudeh and Stavros Sintos.
  • NSF IIS-2107290 (2021 - 2024): III: Medium: Collaborative Research: Fairness in Web Database Applications. Abolfazl Asudeh (Lead PI - UIC), H. V. Jagadish (UofM), and Gautam Das and Shirin Nilizadeh (UTA).
  • Google Research Scholar Award (2021 - 2022): An end-to-end system for detecting cherry-picked trendlines. Abolfazl Asudeh.

National Science Foundation Google Research CloudBank